History of Rock Pt 1

oh Rock, Oh Rock, you were the very best. And you still are. Now most of you would think that rock 'n' roll is the same thing as rock. Well you are sadly mistaken. Rock was made from Rock 'n' roll, and it came into the music stream in the late '50s.
     The first song to really actually top the music billboards in rock music was "Rock around the clock" by Bill Haley and His Comets. This song started a uproar of famous singers and musicians and great songs to start, and they never looked back. After the early (and I mean early!) era of rock ended, Elvis Presley stepped onto the scene, and created real rock 'n' roll. After him came Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, and other famous names, as they settled into the sounds of rock.
      In 1959, the era of rock 'n' roll was coming to an end. As Elvis departed for the army, and Chuck Berry was prosecuted, the end was near. But the "inbetween" was closer. 
      The "inbetween years" are the years before the british invasion and after the original rock. In the inbetween years, surf rock was formed.It was the years when the beach boys were the best, and no one could tip them off the top. It was like they were the king, not Elvis. 
       Like may other things in the world, the surf rock era only lasted only for a short while. . .
And this brings us to the end of part one. Next time: THE BRITISH INVASION!


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